Friday, October 8, 2010

The rats have the votes...?

Last night in Parque kennedy, a main park in miraflores, a movilization of people, asked the ones in rat costumes with ONPE (delegation in charge of counting votes on the just "frozen elections") boxes in their hands,  
what are they doing to them...'
"who is that people counting them?"
"rats?! .... perhaps"

around a 1oo people got together in a peacefull manner representing a "rats theft" of votes, as to complain for what is happening with the results of our "frozen votes"in limas city, Peruvian capital, main and central.

in the rest of the country the representations and marchs, have not been that peacefull, the election of this past sunday also called for regional presidents election.. and the fraud there doesnt seem to be away. Some of the cities uncontent with the results are:

- Ancash
- Chimbote
- Piura
- Ayabaca
- Ucayali
- Puno
- Tumbes

all of them with ridiculous irregularities as, votes lost, finding lots of blank votes to be filled, holograms signs lost..

We in Lima still are lucky, they have said results up to 70% of votes count, the other 30% its been counted
we want transparency, and the limeñas choice of leader to be the MAJOR .

please spread....

no al fraude

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